Medicolegal Expert in Neuroradiology

About Me
Neuroradiology Expert Witness
I have been a medicolegal expert in neuroradiology for the past five years during which I have acted in over 200 cases on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants. My medicolegal work has included medical malpractice, fitness to practice reviews as well as commercial and criminal cases. I aim to provide clear, high-quality medicolegal opinions and reports backed by literature research as well as my 30 years of clinical and research experience.
More About My Background
Clinical Experience
Professor Alan Jackson provides expert witness reports in the field of neuroradiology.
He qualified from the University of Manchester with an honours degree in 1984 having previously completed a PhD in neuroanatomy in 1981. He was admitted to the Royal College of Physicians in 1987 and into the Royal College of Radiologists in 1990. He was admitted as Fellow to both the Royal College of Physicians in 2003 and the British Institute of Radiology in 2007. He holds the European Diploma of Neuroradiology.
In 1995 Professor Jackson was appointed as a Consultant Neuroradiologist at the Manchester Royal Infirmary and Senior Lecturer in Neuroradiology at the University of Manchester. Later the same year he was appointed as Professor of Neuroradiology at the University of Manchester. He retired from clinical practice in February 2019 but remains Emeritus Professor of Radiology at the University of Manchester.

Research Interests
Professor Jackson's main areas of clinical interest include neuro-oncology, neurovascular and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as the development and testing of advanced imaging techniques including CT, MRI and PET imaging. He has also published in the areas of arachnoiditis, traumatic brain injury and brain diseases associated with ageing. He has a particular interest in the importance of incidental findings discovered during clinical or research scanning investigations. His group has an international reputation in the development of biomarkers of the vascular microenvironment in tumours and in microvascular brain disease.